The Latino Digital Archive Group (LDAG) seeks to create an informed dialogue between information professionals (librarians, curators and archivists) and members of the U.S. Latino community on the establishment of a national digital archive to preserve Latino history and culture.
We recognize that a national digital archive will be virtual, with links to national, regional, and local resources (both analog and digital).
LDAG meets periodically in person, on numerous conference calls, and via web conferencing. We have also held focus group discussions at national and regional meetings. The focus groups revealed strong support and a perceived need to preserve Latino archives in a digital format.
We have:
- Conducted informal surveys of Latino archive
- Followed the activities and discussions of selected major initiatives focused on developing national digital archives
We continue to:
- Survey the scope, methods, and standards being utilized by national efforts
- Facilitate heritage activities, providing learning opportunities, hands-on use of technology, and the preservation of digital artifacts in databases
LDAG focuses on:
- Calling upon information professionals and representatives of state and national digital initiatives to lend their expertise by teaching concepts related to digital technology
- Developing a curated Latino Digital Archive of selected resources
LDAG Principles
- Place the Latino community at the center of learning activities
- Affirm the library as the anchor of the community by helping the community document and preserve its own history
- Promote the use of technology to preserve, document and make accessible that history
LDAG Board Members
- Kathryn Blackmer Reyes, Martin Luther King Jr. Library, San Jose State University
- Lillian Castillo-Speed, Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley
- Richard Chabran, School of Information, University of Arizona
- Lizette Guerra, Orange County Public Library
- Romelia Salinas, University Library, Mount San Antonio College