Storytelling Sabor
Storytelling Sabor
This LDAG curated collection includes entries for Latino food establishments, food blogs, videos, and printed materials that document Storytelling Sabor.
The production of food to the making it available takes many forms. Scholars, broadcasters, teachers all contribute to narratives about food. Latino food establishments are a growing sector of the U.S food market, that which accounts for over 59 billion dollars in revenue. They are also a vibrant part of local economies, especially in Southwestern states. This collection documents Latino food establishments that are not part of a national chain. It demonstrates the diversity and trends of Latino food establishments.
A project of School of Information Documenting Diverse Cultures course provided students an opportunity to get out of the classroom and into the community where they can establish a conversation with a business establishment and contribute community-based assets to Historypin a national geographical web-based application. The items in this collection are part of a broader Storytelling Sabor initiative. While Historypin offers an easy way to document community stories Mukurtu is developed around the idea that communities may consider some items sacred and only accessible to some individuals. With this in mind students have an opportunity to apply cultural protocols. Students have noted this project provided a learning experience about the importance of cultural competence and how web-based applications like Historypin can be deployed in local communities.