Memories of Migration

Cultural Narrative: 

Memories of Migration is a library-based community memory program funded by the National Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The grant was awarded as part of the Institute_��Ɏ��s National Leadership _��ɏ�� Demonstration Grant program, which supports projects that address challenges faced by libraries across the United States, and have the potential to create programs and practices that improve library services nationwide.

 Lead by the Santa Ana Public Library and the Webby-award winning non-profit Historypin project, Memories of Migration is a three-year community memory program that builds on the Library_��Ɏ��s unique Teen Historian program to jump start the development of cultural heritage collections around the shared stories of human migration in America. Techniques developed by the library will be tested in model programs operated by four libraries and agencies that serve new immigrant communities in four different states, including New York, New Mexico, Connecticut and California.

 Queens Library (Queens, NY), West Hartford Public Library, (West Hartford, CT), the State of New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs and  New Mexico Highlands University (Las Vegas, NM) will join the Santa Ana Public Library in offering their immigrant communities a voice in the growth of their shared stories of new lives lived in a new country.  Their teen sons and daughters will be trained to collect oral histories and other information that will provide the bridge that brings these stories to life in a digital world through Historypin.  The noted international web presence will provide a home for the stories and the digital infrastructure that make them available to all.

 Over the next three years, the Santa Ana Public Library, its four library and agency partners, Historypin, and the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) look forward to bringing the experiences of our immigrant communities to life, and helping other communities to do the same.